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Packing 5 gr.

Dental cases where acute pain occurs, especially filler treatment and acute emergencies, are special areas of Ledermix.

Because the teeth are weakened by the increased number of parotontitis, the patient often complains of unbearable pain. The pain does not hinder them at night. Traditional painkillers are also ineffective and the patient falls into despair. Local injections can control the condition either for a limited time or for a limited period. We offer LEDERMIX PASTA for more than 40 years.

Ledermix Thanks to the active ingredient of the paste, triamcinolone, we can see significant improvement in the symptoms we have mentioned above in a very short time. Bacterial contamination is avoided with dementhylclortetracycline which is an effective antibiotic in large diameter.Thanks to active extracts of Ledermix Cake, our product is effective not only in one way but in many ways: in a short time you feel a relief and a significant decrease in cariogenic contamination. (12) With a simple application it is possible to get rid of not only one but all the uncomfortable situations. your patient will continue to be pessimistic with less effective methods.

packing 5 gr.


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